Word-Study Exercise:

File:William Blake 'Queen Katharine's Dream', illustration to 'Henry VIII' 1809.jpg
Choose 3 words over the course of the semester and do a thorough word-study on each using the LEME, the OED, the glossary and bibliographical trail from your readings and other sources. Prepare a response (in your commonplace book) that maps your discoveries, walks us through the origin (etymology) of the word, its history and meaning in EME, and, if applicable, its modern life. 
Questions to ask:
  • What about this word intrigued you? Did you know the word before? Can you describe these
qualities to your classmates?
  • Does the word exist in modern usage? If so, does it have the same meaning? If not, why do you think the meaning has changed?
  • What is the etymology of the word? Does its adoption tell us something about England’s history?
  •  Did it replace another word with a synonymous meaning? If so, why?
  • What kind of work is it doing in Shakespeare’s oeuvre? Did he coin it? Is it used elsewhere at the time? Does he seem aware of the multiple

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